
Learn more about the key milestones of the world leader in online travel and related services.

  • 2024

    Booking Holdings is recognized on TIME and Statista's World's Best Companies 2024 list

    Booking Holdings is named to the Fortune 2024 Fastest Growing Companies list

    Booking Holdings is named to Forbes World's Best Employers

    For the second consecutive year, Booking Holdings is ranked to USA Today’s America’s Climate Leaders 2024

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Forbes America’s Best Employers for Diversity list

    Booking Holdings is the first online travel provider to have its net-zero science-based target verified by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

    Booking Holdings is recognized on Fortune's World Most Admired list

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Newsweek's Most Trustworthy & Most Responsible Companies lists

    Booking Holdings is recognized on America’s Most JUST Companies list

    Booking Holdings is recognized on Forbes World’s Top Companies for Women 2024
  • 2023

    Booking Holdings reaches record room nights booked of 1+ billion for the full year 2023

    Booking Holdings reaches its highest-ever level of revenue of $21 billion in 2023

    As of year-end 2023, Booking Holdings reduced its total emissions by 26% compared to 2019 - including Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 84% and Scope 3 by 22%

    Booking Holdings officially moves into its co-located brand office in NYC's Empire State Building

    Booking Holdings is recognized on Forbes World's Top Companies for Women

    Booking Holdings is named to Forbes World's Best Employers

    Booking Holdings named to TIME's World's Best Employers

    Booking Holdings is recognized on the inaugural USA TODAY America's Climate Leaders list

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Forbes America's Best Employers for Diversity list

    Booking.com's Travel Sustainable badge named to Fast Company's 2023 World Changing Ideas

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Fortune's World's Most Admired List
  • 2022

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Forbes' World's Best Employers List

    Booking Holdings is ranked on the Fortune 500

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Fortune's World's Most Admired List

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Forbes America’s Best Midsize Employers

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Forbes Global 2000

    Booking Holdings launches its second Center of Excellence in Bengaluru, India
  • 2021

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Newsweek's Most Responsible Companies List

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Fortune's World's Most Admired List

    Booking Holdings launches its first Center of Excellence in Bucharest, Romania

    Booking Holdings acquires Getaroom

    Booking Holdings acquires Flyiin
  • 2020

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Fortune's World's Most Admired List

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Forbes' Global 2000 List

    Booking Holdings is ranked on Forbes' Best Employers for Diversity List

    Booking Holdings closes out an unprecedented year that brought travel to a near halt with profits, generating nearly $880 million in adjusted EBITDA

    Booking Holdings, across all of its brands, becomes operationally carbon neutral for the first time in company history

    OpenTable announces Debby Soo as their new CEO

    Booking Holdings is forced to collectively lay off nearly 25% of its global workforce due to the ongoing impact of the pandemic

    OpenTable enables grocery stores to leverage their reservation technology to minimize long lines during lockdown

    Booking Holdings raises $4B through a debt offering to plan for the long-term impact from the pandemic on its business

    Through the first peak of the pandemic in March, Booking.com customer service agents navigated nearly 3x the number of inquiries a day that would typically occur during the peak pre-pandemic summer travel season

    Booking Holdings closes the majority of global offices within days and shifts to an almost entirely remote working environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 2019

    Booking Holdings' CEO, Glenn Fogel, is appointed to the role of CEO for Booking.com, in addition to his role as CEO and President for Booking Holdings

    Booking.com announces its partnership with the Duke of Sussex and four other businesses to launch Travalyst, a bold new sustainable global travel initiative

    Booking Holdings appoints two additional esteemed women executives to the Board of Executives, with 38% of the Board made up of women

    Booking Holdings publishes its first Corporate Social Responsibility report

    Booking.com was ranked #1 in the Financial Times' Most Diverse Employers in Europe

    Booking Holdings was ranked on Fortune's 'Future 50' list

    Booking Holdings was ranked in the Wall Street Journal's list of 250 Best Managed Companies

    Booking Holdings was ranked on Forbes' Top Digital 100 Companies, Best Employers for New Grads, Global 2000 and Best Employers for Diversity lists

    Booking Holdings invests in Serko, a leading travel and expense technology solution platform

    Booking Holdings invests in Yanolja. the largest online travel platform in South Korea

    Booking Holdings acquires Venga, a customer relationship management and marketing platform
  • 2018

    Priceline Group becomes Booking Holdings

    Booking Holdings acquires Fareharbor

    Booking Holdings enters into a strategic partnership with Didi, the world's leading one-stop mobile transportation platform

    Booking Holdings enters into a strategic partnership with Grab, the leading on-demand transportation and mobile services platform in Southeast Asia

    Booking Holdings acquires HotelsCombined

    Booking Holdings was ranked on Fortune's 'Future 50' list

    Booking Holdings was ranked on Forbes' 'Best Employers for Women' list
  • 2017

    Glenn Fogel becomes Chief Executive Officer and President of The Priceline Group.

    Jeffery H. Boyd becomes Executive Chairman of the Priceline Group’s Board of Directors.

    The Priceline Group acquires Momondo Group, a leading European meta engine that offers flights.

    The Priceline Group is ranked #11 by Fortune in their inaugural Future 50 list.
  • 2016

    The Priceline Group is ranked by Fast Company as a “World’s Most Innovative” company.
  • 2015

    The Priceline Group is named by Forbes as one of the Top 25 Most Innovative Companies in the World.

    The Priceline Group acquires PriceMatch, a leading cloud-based data and analytics solution for hotels.

    The Priceline Group acquires RocketMiles, a Chicago-based company that allows travelers to book hotels while earning airline miles.

    The Priceline Group acquires ASDigital, a leading provider of restaurant table and reservation management solutions based in Australia.
  • 2014

    The Priceline Group acquires OpenTable.

    The Priceline Group is named a Fortune Most Admired Company.

    Priceline changes its name to The Priceline Group to reflect its evolution as a company with multiple independently-operated brands.
  • 2013

    Darren Huston is named Chief Executive Officer of Priceline.

    Jeffery H. Boyd becomes Chairman of the Priceline Board of Directors.

    Priceline acquires global travel search tech company KAYAK.
  • 2012

    Priceline launches Priceline Ventures to invest in small growth companies that align with strategic interests across the Priceline businesses.
  • 2010

    Priceline surpasses Expedia to become the world’s largest online hotel reservation service.

    Priceline acquires TravelJigsaw, a multinational rental car service which is known today as Rentalcars.com.
  • 2009

    Priceline is added to the S&P 500 Index.
  • 2007

    Priceline acquires agoda.com, an Asia-based leader in hotel accommodations.
  • 2005

    Priceline acquires Booking.com, the leading hotel booking website in Europe and world’s largest accommodations website today, and combines it with ActiveHotels.
  • 2004

    Priceline enters the retail hotel business by acquiring a majority stake in TravelWeb.

    Priceline acquires ActiveHotels.com, a leading online hotel booking service in Europe at the time.
  • 2003

    Priceline moves beyond its Name Your Own Price® service and enters the retail air space.
  • 2002

    Jeffery H. Boyd is named Chief Executive Officer of Priceline.
  • 2001

    Priceline becomes profitable.
  • 2000

    Priceline discontinues WebHouse Club, a venture housing Name Your Own Price® gasoline, groceries, mortgages and telephone services to refocus on travel.

    Priceline Founder Jay Walker steps down from Priceline Board of Directors.
  • 1999

    Priceline undergoes initial public offering and reaches $12.9 billion market value on the first day, the highest first day value for a corporation at the time.

    Priceline experiments with selling groceries and gasoline (WebHouse Club), long distance telephone service, home mortgages, secondhand goods, and new cars through its Name Your Own Price® service.
  • 1997

    Priceline Founder Jay Walker launches priceline.com with its famous Name Your Own Price® service.